Tuesday, November 7, 2017


Each Sunday we have been uplifted by the beautiful floral arrangements that adorn the podium of our Massey Ward Chapel. Each week, flowers are selected and lovingly arranged by sisters from the wards that meet in our building.


. . . But as lovely as these blossoms are, they cannot equal the beauty we find radiating from the faces of the sisters themselves.  The sisters are the real "flowers".

Sister Loa Pake and Sister Satali Milford (and her cute little grandson!)

These are pictures from our Henderson Stake Relief Society Carnival!  There were hotdogs and games, pampering and cupcake decorating - and singing, of course!


Here are Sister Streeter and Mary, enjoying the evening. Mary is getting baptized next Sunday! 

Ral is with her friend, Louise, who is extremely excited to be getting baptized soon. 

Here are the oldest sister (85) and the youngest sister at the Carnival cutting the "Relief Society Ministering Angels" cake!

At the Carnival, all the ladies had to choose someone they didn't know to be their "Buddy" for the night and they had to do everything together.  Ral chose a Samoan lady named Poiva, who didn't speak very much English!  At first, Poiva was not very happy and didn't want to participate at all . . . but she started to warm up as soon as she ate her first bite of a delicious hotdog!

Poiva's favorite game was the "Ball Toss" which she played again and again!
By the end of the night, Poiva had turned into a real "Party Animal" and she even did a dance with the Stake Relief Society President!



Yes . . . 
Sisterhood, Love, and Friendship
are truly
the best 
FLOWERS of all!


  1. What fun! Keep enjoying it. Time goes quickly.

  2. The flowers are absolutely georgeous!!! Looks like a great party! So glad you're enjoying serving and helping others to "feel the love" as you always do!

  3. Thanks for sharing some of your great photos and experiences as you serve your welfare mission together. It is wonderful to read your and other senior couples' blogs and how you are all helping those who need it most and that this is made possible by the generous donations of the faithful Saints.
