Sunday, November 5, 2017

A Bit of This and A Bit of That

This post is an honest effort to "catch up" on past events before we are SO far behind on the blog and SO ahead on our life, we can't remember what we did yesterday . . . which is really the case at the moment anyway!  Now what were we doing? . . . Oh, yes . . . composing this blog post . . .   


A few posts ago, we told you about all the missionary couples getting together as a group for dinner and Family Home Evening (FHE) at the Area Office.  In September, we had a presentation called "The Healer's Art" - all about good mental health.

Getting ready for the program, the Seamons, and us with the Holbrook's and the McGuire's

In October, our FHE dinner was a Mexican theme with a fun and informative "Mormon Jeopardy" Game.  The Collins - Lynn and Karen (Lynn was one of the attorneys here), gave their farewell testimony.  They could hardly get through it and we were all in tears too . . . It is hard when someone leaves because we love each other like a family!



Here we are with Zach Robinson, Hans Sorensen (our Country Welfare Manager), and Lee Hardy - in front of the beach that is a short walk away from our office!  Our Humanitarian Team gave Lee and Zac presentations, took them to lunch, and we were their ride to the airport. It was the first time we have ever taken anyone to the airport which is on the other side of Auckland - and we didn't even get lost!  Whew!


The Area Office often provides "Service" in the community. One day, we joined Allan Nonoa, the Holbrook's, and the McGuire's to serve at the Glenfield Salvation Army Center. We just wish we had a picture of this shed BEFORE we cleaned it up and loaded up two vans worth of trash with the contents!  We also helped to sort items at their distribution center.  While working, Ral found a painting of sunflowers in a frame that she liked and the center let her purchase it for a whopping $5.00.  Sunflowers always remind her of Katie - and it looks nice in our bedroom with the yellow bed pillows! 


We had a "progressive dinner" in the apartments and we were one of the many "host homes"!  We first went to the McGuire's house for salad; then our home for the main course; then everyone met in the clubhouse for dessert and games of "Liar's Dice" - Great Fun!

L-R (Top) Don, Christine Streeter, Jim McGuire, Steve Streeter, Walt Hales, Maureen Hales, Ral (Bottom) L-R Lynn Collins, Karen Collins, Morris Graham, Winnie Graham, Sherrie Holbrook, Bryce Holbrook

Below: L-R Catherine and Eric Andersen, Brent and Debbie Buckner


Most of the Senior Missionary couples (11) live in our apartment building - Shoalhaven - however, there are a few couples (4) who live in other apartment buildings.  In a previous blog post we showed you the Matsumori's home. 

One evening, the Hales invited us over for dinner in their lovely "penthouse" apartment in Devonport. This is a real treat because they have the best view EVER! . . . AND they are such great people to be with! Our office works with Dr. Hales, as a medical consultant for welfare issues concerning medical cases, medical equipment, etc., and he attends our AWCM meeting every month.

Across the bay, we can see our little Takapuna skyline from their balcony patio
Auckland and its harbor - day and night!


Let us just say that the food here in New Zealand is more than wonderful - expecially the dairy products!  (You see, there are very HAPPY cows here with lovely green grass to eat and clear, pure water to drink!) For example, the Seamons took us to a restaurant called "Little Friday". The name comes from the fact that it's LITTLE and it used to be only open on FRIDAY! Anyway, we will just let these pictures tell the story!


The waitress puts the plastic animal on your table so that she knows which order is yours! Fun Place!



Luisa is notorious for the "Cheese Trays" she brings into the office every so often!


At the Area Office we have a "Devotional" every Monday morning where we sing, have a spiritual thought, and a prayer - but after every General Conference, we have a special Devotional where the Area Presidency report on their experiences at Conference. This October, two members of our Presidency spoke - Elder Haleck and Elder Ardern - so you can only imagine how amazing, spiritual, and instructive this Devotional was. We wish we could show you a picture of them and their wives in the Devotional, but these pictures (with their empty seats) will have to do. Needless to say, when the meeting began, there was "standing room only".



As we look over the few things we've told you about in this blog post, we relive memories. We think about ALL the things that have happened to us in the past four months that we haven't posted . . . 

We feel a little like Jacob when he wrote this in The Book of Mormon
"And a hundredth part of the proceedings of this people, which now began to be numerous, cannot be written . . . "  (Jacob 3:13)

You see, we are discovering that while serving a mission, there are so many little things that happen each day - things that change us; that force us to stretch and progress; that teach and perfect us . . . little bits here and there. 

Each of our days, weeks, and years, are made up of these "Little Bits". They come together to make a life. These precious "Bits" define us and make us who we are.

So let's remember - "A Bit of This and A Bit of That" just might be more important than we think!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! We found that it was easy to get behind on our posts as well. They do keep you busy while you are on your Missioncation. Lookng forward to February.
