Friday, October 13, 2017

In the Cottage there is Joy!

This post is for our children and grandchildren, who keep asking us about where we live!

For almost three months, we were actual "Homeless Nomads" - but since August 23rd, we have had a "Home" here in Takapuna!  Only 820 square feet and it's perfect for us!  We feel so very blessed!

The wood carving on our door was given to us when we moved in.  It says "Kia Ora", which is a Maori greeting meaning "hello - have life - be well - be healthy".  

We know that our wreath looks a little Christmas-y, but the materials were all we could find back when we first moved in!

This is a big apartment complex and there are 13 missionary couples living throughout the building.

Entering the front door.

Our walls are pretty empty at the moment because our apartment is scheduled for a "repaint" soon.  
Don't worry, Famiy - your pictures will soon be on the walls! 
I made the table runner and the "clock" to match!  (Yes, girls, your mom actually "sewed" something!) 
Down the hall and to the left is Don's cute little office.  
This is Ral's "office"!

Moving on down the hall, we come to our bedroom.  
There is a beautiful view through the patio door of downtown Auckland.

Across the hall is Ral's bathroom and our washer and dryer.

At the end of the hall is the guest bedroom and Don's bathroom.  It is so nice that we each have a bathroom to use in order to be on time every morning!  
This whole section can be can be closed off from the rest of the apartment by a door, which is very nice.


This will be our "Home" for almost two years and we have to say . . . We went from our big home in Texas to this apartment - and we are doing just great!  We have found that we really don't need much to be comfortable - and like we said - we feel so very blessed! 

This is our car.  The apartments have an underground parking garage and we also have two small storage units.  Among the missionary couples; we are the "Van People" which means that we are very popular!  
When family or friends come to visit, everyone wants to borrow our van!  
Here in New Zealand, driving is on the left.  Don does great, but Ral hasn't even driven yet!  
It's just a little scary to her - especially parking!

In our little "cottage" there is indeed "JOY". . . a joy that is sometimes difficult to explain because it is so overwhelming.  We feel joy everyday as we serve.  

A few weeks ago, Bishop Fowers sent us a picture of our missionary plaque, which is hanging across his office at the Carrollton (Texas) 4th Ward.  We are very humbled to be representing our ward as missionaries and it is truly awesome, when we stop and think about it . . . that the two of us are "On the Lord's Errand" as we serve the people here in the South Pacific!
And so for now . . . from our "Home" to yours . . . We wish you JOY!

1 comment:

  1. Love the cottage. I saw that Susan posted that an apartment was getting painted - was that you? How exciting. You are doing an excellent job with your photo documentation. I need you (Ral) to train me. Kia Ora!
