Sunday, April 1, 2018

An Apostle Comes to Town . . . and other Tales . . .


On 12-13 March, Elder Neil L. Andersen and Elder L. Whitney Clayton came to the Area Office for a visit and they both spoke to us in a special devotional.  We sat on the second row, and we have to tell you that it was all we could do NOT to be rude and take a picture of Elder Andersen while he was smiling at us and sitting in that empty chair you see in the picture! One of the sisters took a picture of us while we were shaking hands with them, so there is proof that we met them!

What a treat it was . . . to hear one of the Twelve bear personal testimony of the Savior while standing just feet away.  The Spirit bore witness so strongly of the truth of his words - our hearts were pounding!  Elder Andersen told us all about the setting apart of President Nelson and said that he personally did not see Heavenly Beings but he was absolutely positive they were in attendance during that sacred ordination.  He KNEW they were there!

Elder Andersen also asked all the senior missionaries to raise their hands and then he asked us with a twinkle in his eye:  "Did you win the lottery or do you know a General Authority?!" . . . in reference to our being here in New Zealand! (Yes, we tell ourselves every day how lucky we are to be here!  It is still a little bit of Paradise to us!)



The end of February, Gary and Susan Winters - straight from the Tonga cyclone - came to NZ for a brief visit.  It was WONDERFUL to see them and to be able to spend some quality time together.  They were "US" before the Maughan's and staying with us in their old apartment brought back sweet memories!

The Winters visiting their old office!

We visited the Gannet colony with the Wrights - the Winters have known them for 40 years!
Beautiful Country!
These rocks are usually thickly covered with birds, 
but it was the season for them to leave so Gannets were pretty sparse.


We are so behind on this blog - it's embarassing!  . . . but we will just post a few things you might find interesting about our life here "on the other side of the world"!

A Few Views of our Beautiful Auckland

A view out of our apartment window on a rainy, foggy morning - about 7:30 am. 
Usually, we can see Auckland!

Like this!

It is Autumn here in New Zealand (March is like September), but you won't find colored leaves around where we live!  Here are some unique flowering plants being sold at our local grocery store.  We're not sure what they are!

We have to wait until everyone is gone to get a parking spot at the Area Office!  Haha!

A surprise just after midnight on a Sunday morning!  Just a false alarm that woke us all up! These happen too often in our large apartment building but at least we can hang out with all our friends!


We had to include this cute picture of a Samoan family 
welcoming home their missionary at the airport!

The Murdock's

Here we are with Kent and Barbara Murdock, who arrived in January from Salt Lake City, Utah.  Kent is an attorney and works with Doug Matsumori, the man whose parents were baptized by Don's father!  The wonderful thing about the Murdock's is that they are from the ward that Ral's Uncle Herbie and Aunt Barbara lived in most of their lives!  Barbara has been best friends with Ral's cousin, Elizabeth for over 40 years!  Small World! 

The Piwakawaka

Our grandson, Aaron (alias "Sprocket"!) playing with the New Zealand animal finger puppets we sent him.  He has the "Piwakawaka" (Fantail bird) on his finger. 

Piha Beach, Karekare Falls, and Waitakere Park

We picked up the puppets when we traveled 40 minutes to Piha Beach and Waitakere Regional Park one overcast Saturday.  Can you believe that we have such beauty just minutes away?!  We are SOOO lucky!

Piha is famous for the "Lion Rock", its waves for surfing, and its black sand which was swept up from a volcanic eruption eons ago.  

There was a couple having wedding pictures taken - We felt badly for them because it was raining!


Around the corner from Piha is the Karekare Waterfall.  
We enjoyed the short walk to the falls and felt like we were walking in "Middle Earth"!


It was fun enjoying Waitakere with the Streeter's and the Stositch's!


Speaking of "Middle Earth" - This statue is standing in the Auckland Airport Terminal!  
Gotta' LOVE New Zealand!!!


More loving New Zealand!  

A Facebook post from Kari - Who Knew?!  
The funny thing was that both Kristen and Kelsey had bought the same thing for the same reason!

What's wrong with the next picture?  Hahaha!
(Answer: We drive on the left here.)
BTW:  Don does most of the driving . . . 

Area Welfare Council Meeting 
Ready to present Humanitarian projects to Elder Cardon.

Furniture for Schools Charitable Trust

John and Callum are awesome.  They take used school furniture from New Zealand and ship it to schools all over the South Pacific.  This is not a business - they just do it because they see a great need.  Rangitoto College lets them keep a container on school property - and when it's full, FFS ships it out.  We visited them to look at a shipment headed for Samoa.  We love working with them and love seeing the results of their kindness when we visit schools on the islands!

Happy Birthday Hans! 

Hans is the Area Welfare Manager for the South Pacific and he is the best "boss" anyone could ever have!  We have learnt  so very much from him! . . . Yes, here in New Zealand, we say "learnt"!  He has been painting his house for weeks now, so we put his favorite treats into a paint can!


Ral's Birthday

It was Ral's Birthday too this month!  The "Chocolate Frog" she saved from the "Harry Potter World" trip a year ago; a chocolate Kiwi and a very special "Frog" card (Where-ever did Don find that?!); balloons and chocolate from Luisa and Sam; a "Birthday Lunch" with the Senior Missionaries; and another "Birthday Lunch" from Hans and the gang in the office!  Lots of cards and treats and June (Ral's "Buddy", the office receptionist) took her for the BEST hot chocolate in the whole world!  (Do you see a "chocolate theme" running through her Birthday?!  Hahaha!)


March Family Home Evening with the Senior Missionaries
We had "Sack Lunches" for dinner and did some country dancing led by Louenda and Vance Downs.  Marian and Layne Wright entertained us with some good old country music which included some pretty awesome "fiddling"!  Oh, my!  What talent!


We just had to put the following picture on the blog!  . . . This is one of the decorations from our February FHE - So Cool!

More New Zealand - Otara Market

There is a big outdoor market every Saturday morning in Otara, an Auckland "Suburb".  The fruit and vegetables are huge and wonderful - and many of them, we have never seen before!  Here are some pictures of the local farmers' treasures we found there!


Training the Skibbe's

Hartmut and Sylvia Skibbe are our new Humanitarian Missionary Couple headed for the Marshall Islands.  They are from Australia and were in the Auckland MTC, so we were able to train them at the Area Office and then take them to the temple.  They moved to Australia from Germany in 1999 and we were fascinated with their stories about growing up in East Germany under Communism.  They are going to be great and we hope one day we will be able to see them "in action" on the Marshalls!


Yes. there is Easter in New Zealand . . . 
Friday and Monday are Holidays - no-one goes to work and no stores are open.
There is Easter candy in the stores and all the chocolate rabbits, kiwis, and eggs are huge!  There is chocolate of every kind!


We thought Kelsey would like this!


Kiwis and . . . surprise!

Remember "Hot Cross Buns" when you were a kid?  
Well, they are especially for Easter.  
The cross represents the crucifixion of Christ and the spices represent the spices He was embalmed with in the tomb.


So . . . that brings us to today - Easter Sunday.  And it also brings us full circle, as we were able to hear Elder Andersen bear his testimony of the Savior this morning in General Conference.

We woke up at 4:00am so that we could see Conference live here in New Zealand.

What a wonderful day it has been.  Sustaining a new prophet on the earth and feeling the Spirit of Conference and of the Holiday we celebrate.  Being so grateful for the Savior's Gift that gives us the assurance that we will see and be with our loved ones once again.  Knowing that Jesus lives and that we will also overcome death.  Knowing that we can be forgiven; and feeling the hope that we can live with our Heavenly Father for eternity. How blessed we are to have the knowledge that the Gospel gives us.  We feel the joy!

Tomorrow we leave for Vanuatu - to help the people there who have been devastated by a cyclone and a volcano.  We will take the resources of the Church with us . . . and always, if we are worthy, the Lord's Spirit.  He truly loves His people on the islands of the sea!

Happy Easter, Everyone!  

"He is not here . . . He is Risen!"